Spring flowers have something unusual in common with those who are mourning. Did you know that many spring flowers take their name from Greek mythology? More interesting than that, many of these stories focus on the grief and loss of heroes or gods and their creation of flowers as an act of remembrance for those they have lost.
One of the earliest spring flowers to appear is the crocus.
In Greek mythology, as told by the physician Galen, Crocus was a beloved companion of the god Hermes. Unfortunately, Crocus was killed accidentally by Hermes during a discus game. As Hermes mourned, he transformed Crocus’ body into a flower.
Many people associate the crocus with happiness, joy and cheerfulness. It is generally recognized as a symbol of hope that the dark days of winter are at an end and that life will return and flourish.
(Debbie Vallandingham, Angela Hospice.)
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