Fork in the Trail
When you come to a fork in the road desert, how do you decide which way to go? I almost always take the left. This guy didn’t hesitate to go right. He seemed to be walking with a purpose. I kinda wander. Probably because I’m looking for a photo and messing with angles for the best composition.
I was out most of the day but feel like I didn’t accomplish much. I went to the camera club to drop off a photo. From there I stopped by the bank. My carpets are being cleaned tomorrow. They’ve started adding a 3% fee if you pay by check or credit. So I’m going to give them cash. They’ve also added a new “temporary” $15 fuel fee.
As an aside, I haven’t had my windows washed because the company notified customers that prices were going up 40%. I’m afraid the grit will permanently etch the glass.
Thanks for all of your comments and stars. Your support is so wonderful. I’ve arranged to do a weigh in every Wednesday morning at the clinic. Same time and same scale. Will give a brief weekly update.
I discovered a shortcut today. If you put your Fitbit in the dryer, you can get a head start on your steps. I had 3800 before I put on my pants.
The only difference in my life when I’m on a diet is that instead of saying, I ate nachos, I say I accidentally ate nachos.
I ate salad for dinner, mostly croutons and tomatoes. Actually, just one large crouton and tomato sauce. And cheese. OK, I ate a pizza.
I choked on a carrot this afternoon, and all I could think of was “I bet a donut wouldn’t have done this to me.“
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