
By Santafejazzy

Jazzy Before her Haircut

Jazzy has long hair as you can see and it is very fine, like cotton. She normally gets bathed and brushed once a month, and a haircut every second month. If this doesn't happen her fur gets matted and if it is too badly matted then she has to be shaved all the way to her skin. Then she looks like a little rat.

She had to have surgery just before I got home and wasn't able to get her usual bathing and brushing for a few weeks, and then the groomer said she was too matted and would have to be shaved. I refused to allow this to happen so have spent hours brushing out the mats little by little. And I have found a groomer who thinks she can do the final job.

So tonight I hope I've done a good enough job - we'll see tomorrow. This is her 'before' photo. It's a bit blurry, but since I only got 4 hours sleep last night I am too tired to take any more.

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