
By momcat1

Snow on the 25th

I know posting late again. We got busy doing his PT exercises yesterday and I made cornbread to go with dinner. And I admit 2 small loads of laundry and some knitting. So it didn't get posted yesterday.  And on Wednesday after the snow ended- shoveling his driveway. Which left both offs pretty tired as he really doesn't have a real snow shovel. Getting most of it shoveled out  was a good thing because  it warmed up , then  poured all night and the part we didn't shovel was ice the next AM. Which melted by late Thursday afternoon . We have managed to get his bedrails up on his bed which should help him pull himself up and get him in and out of bed. He is finally using the socks assist and the grabbers to reach things he can't bend over to pick up. 
I have continued to feed the feral cat/cats. I don't know if it is a good thing to do but they need the extra calories in the cold weather. 
The extra is a snow abstract.  Since his Aide is here today I am going for a walk this AM and hoping to see the bluebirds down the road again . 

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