Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Aptly Named

Sometimes you look at the name of a bird species and ask yourself "what the hell?"  And other times, such as with the White throated Sparrow, you nod to yourself because it all makes perfect sense.  These robust little sparrows are winter birds for us, showing up each fall from their northern breeding grounds, to spend the winters in our woods and under our feeders.  They also sing all winter, lovely ethereal whistled tunes that can be heard on even the fastest of mornings.  There are two color variants, this one being the "tan striped" which refers to the stripes on the head.  The black-striped variants have a more pronounced white throat and yellower eyebrows.

Jax is at day care where he has been playing with his bestie, Sasha.  I like this day care because it isn't a free-for-all; instead, they match dogs by size, age, energy and give them 20 minute play sessions.  Sasha is usually always there on Thursday and Friday and she and Jax are extremely well matched so I know that he'll come home tired and happy.  And, if things go well, he will also get some time with one of the employees Shepard!  

Hubs is taking our eldest cat, Phoebe to the vet tonight for her annual exam.  She's definitely showing signs of age and Hubs will talk with the vet about the best ways to make her comfortable as she ages, as well as diet changes since she's losing weight.  She's such a sweet cat and has been part of our family for over 15 years - she's the matriarch.  

Dark with ginger today.


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