Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly


I think the small one has to go dairy free again. We noticed his rash was way worse after Christmas, he spent most of the festive season eating brie and then I thought it was getting better again but we have been having a lot of hot chocolate and last night the rash was all over his back after dinner of cheesy pasta, the sauce had been made with moo milk. 

We allowed all dairy a while ago and he seemed fine but generally he wasn't having much, and he just had the occasional small patch of eczema that was easily treated. 

Hoping cutting it out we can clear his skin and then add it back in slowly but keep to oat milk for hot chocolate and cereal.

I had a good trip to the doctors, she was really lovely I now get to self refer to the incontinence clinic, yay, it's how I will get to see a women's health physio. Back onto loading dose of hrt and then hopefully get things working a bit better. She asked how I delivered and I confirmed vaginally with forceps and a lot of stitches. She confirmed that I did heal well so no issues with scar tissue but I have been left with some weakness. Fingers crossed everything will come together and I can get sorted 

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