Reflections on a birthday deferred!

We spent yesterday afternoon cleaning up at mum's house after the plasterer had finished - so my birthday was put on hold (and I didn't get to the Apple shop after all!) Thank goodness we had Merv to help - he scrubbed the plaster off the fireplace, cleaned up the surrounds and generally put the room back to rights, while Ann did the kitchen (mainly dusty) and I did the back conservatory where all the plaster had been stored. So a good job done by all of us.

Putting the blinds down in the front conservatory I spotted these interesting reflections - a view that might have the potential for a more considered image in the future.

Camera Club yesterday evening and feedback on the mono print portrait/ figure study competition and our best judge so far. His feedback was really helpful and constructive. Not a winning night for me, which is what I expected having seen the other prints a few weeks ago, but OK scores and some very helpful feedback.

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