untitled randomness

By fatinkh82

Jasmine tea

Bautiful jasmine tea. Blooming in hot water. One of my best memory while i was in Beijing with my parents was attending the chinese tea ceremony. It wasnt on the plan we made but the nice driver insist we try since it was what china is well known for other than peking duck and silk.

I overimagined at first when he mentioned the tea ceremony. I thought it was going to be like a stage play in a theater. But it was just us and one of the employers sitting around a table full of different types of tea. Oolong, green tea, jasmine, black tea? And fruit tea. Mind you this happened last summer, i remember oolong and jasmin tea because i bought two of those haha.

The person in charge explained to us the proper way of preparing and drinking each tea, detailing their benefits and their specialities. If you want to loose weight then drink green tea. If you wanna have a healty liver, then have oolong tea ( better check that one up though, it might just be my brain making them up somehow haha).

I say it again, it was one of my best memory abroad. Other than the fun and new places i get to visit it was also because i was with my mom :) dad was working that time, that was the reason we went to beijing in the first place anyway and i was keeping mom company. Anyway, loved every moment i spent with mom, i dont get to do that a lot. Especially since the last few yrs im studying abroad. Missing her always <3

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