Afternoon spent at the track and field taking pics. I haven't photographed much sports but starting to enjoy it now - sitting at the sunny field snapping pictures of the kids running by. Can't complain. Relays are my favorites with all the expressions and action. But like last week, no blippable material.

Even though I've favored prime lenses, I'm seriously considering now spending money on a 70-200. I was really missing a zoom today. I'm wondering if Sigma 2.8 would be a wise choice as I can't really afford the fancy Canon 2.8.
So once I was done with all the drop offs and pick ups, groceries and dinner (frozen pizza today - I had no inspiration to cook) I went out to the back yard for another emergency blip.

Well the tiniest little backyard is not exactly inspiring. It's all dandelions and creeping buttercups. Some moss is trying to survive and there might have been a lawn at some point. I was more than delighted tonight to find a stray poppy by the fence where I dug up a garbage bag full of creeping buttercups a few weeks ago. After two weeks and several loads of weeds and other stuff I gave up the weeding. Now I'm just trying to keep it short. And my garden is in the pots at the moment. I hope I can keep them alive.


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