Photographic Poeticisms

By TerryRhiannyr


When you lose a friend
A part of you dies
No matter the hows
No matter the whys
Where they once were
A hole is left
The closer the friend
The more you are bereft
A knife cut is clean
And the edges heal well
But a friendship lost
Is a wound from hell
It cannot be bandaged
Or covered with plaster
The very thought of them
Turns delight to disaster
To the world your face
Looks so calm it's surreal
Yet under the smile
Is a hurt that won't heal
When your thoughts
Are about them each day
What do you think of
When they've gone away
Can you just stop the world
Ask to be let off
Is that really a question
Please, don't scoff
For at this moment
I feel I'm about to break
I'm not sure how much more
I really am able to take
For tears are so close
To the front of my eyes
And I'm no longer sure
My pain I can disguise
But I'm British
Stiff upper lip don't you know
Bury everything inside
Don't let anything show
Well sod that for a game
To hell with what is right
I'll grieve if I want
Be it day or be it night
For even though they walk
This earth, fit, hearty and hale
I have lost them
And my life has gone stale

Terry Rhiannyr
May 2013

How prophetic was yesterday's blip!

Bardy is doing/ looking well. I looked for him this morning and found him on top of our neighbour's shed sitting looking at me and meowing silently - a trick of his - then setting to to have a good wash.

Spoke to the vets yesterday about him and was told that even though he's improved so much it's still only a matter of time so even though he's still with us in body and mind, we've lost him.

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