Bus selfie

Danny's friends have been scheming for his birthday and this morning I had to wake him early and hand him a bag I'd packed him and tell him he needed to get to the airport as a mystery person was meeting him in Palma! He was so confused bless him! James, Rich and Chris had organised a weekend getaway!
Because of nate being ill Asha walked herself to school solo, almost 40 min walk for her!
Late afternoon Claire came to help me. She looked after nate whilst Asha and I got the bus to the orthodontist... Home for tea all together. Sadly after this Asha and I began the sickness bug. Not much fun.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Danny having such a special weekend!
2) Claire being such a help.
3) Understanding Asha's treatment better - 4 milk teeth out next week...

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