Happy Weekend

Such a beautiful day, but colder than the last few, even though we're in another cold snap. 

Up early, chores done, and then headed off to meet up with my lovely friend T. We had a power cut last night, about 9:30pm, so it was a very early night... Luckily I'd done everything I needed to do, but I was awake every hour, worrying that the power wouldn't be back on by the morning. I hadn't charged my phone, but luckily when I woke at 6am, it was fully charged and order hath been restored....;-)

I drove to T's and we went walking through the cemetery, and then stopped at the Yurt for tea and cake. We always have lots to talk about! Even though things have been going so well for her (she's in the first year of the course I've just finished) she's discovered some raised lymph nodes and a lump, despite having breast cancer several years ago... She's trying not to worry, but I felt a shiver go through me when she told me.... Just praying that her scans in a week will be good news, but I think I know it won't be. I just can't bear to lose any more friends, not after H, and knowing that S is likely not expected to have good news either. 

We had lots of laughs, lots of self-discovery, and a frogmarch back in the dusk and freezing cold. I was SO desperate for the loo but didn't say anything, but then I cracked and T told me there were some toilets in the middle so off we went. I've never been so desperate and so grateful to see a toilet! No way would I have made it home! 

Love spending time with her, whatever we do. 

Home to see my mum, dinner, bath, chill time, bed. It's been a tiring week but a nice start to the weekend. 

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