Maid in Cornwall

By curlycarrie

I'm sorry but...

I can't not mention the w***her today.
I met up with Ann for breakfast first thing (poached eggs for me, which hadnt had the water drained off them and so turned my toast to sponge) and it was all balminess and blue sky. After breakfast I nipped over to the dunes to see if the sea bindweed was in flower yet (it wasn't) and I mooched around for a minute minus a cardigan feeling almost warmish. I got in the car and headed for home and then out of nowhere, the mother of all hail storms happened. One minute the road was bone dry, 30 seconds later it had turned into a skiddy, white rink which Bluebell (my car) was trying to dance across. The sound of the hailstones hitting the car was deafening and I couldn't see a bloody thing even with the wipers on full speed. I nearly soiled myself in fright so I nipped up the nearest side road and cowered under some trees waiting for it to pass. It seemed to go on forever, but eventually the hail turned to rain and sleet. The roads turned into a river and I pottered home at about 2mph and didn't breathe until I walked through my front door.
This is a shot through my hail covered windscreen, I didn't have my camera on me so this is my first ever phone blip! I feel all technological now :)
And to think, a year ago I was perving over life guards doing press ups in the sand under a clear blue sky.

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