Her Life

By LadyEffy

Yoohoo Perrrooo

My other half is away off to Englandshire on an ATT course all this week. Long story short but we (I) had to buy a dongle for his laptop because it wasn't connecting to wifi. Last minute change of mind meant that I got left with his one that wasn't connecting very well while he took the good one - mine.
Oh yes, and he forgot to unpack the dongle for me ... took it with him.
Eeeek, leaving me with no tinternet.
For five whole nights?
He was heading for a right scud on the lug when he came home on Friday but managed to retrieve the situation by sending me this home painted postcard.
He sketched it when we were off on holiday in March, frolicking in the pool.
It was warmer there.
And drier.
And sunnier.
In Peru.

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