The end of the rainbow
There was sunshine again today but also the occasional gentle shower. One came along just as we were gathering for our dog agility class but the sun kept shining and it combined with the misty rain to produce a complete rainbow arc over the village. We all gasped at the sight. Unfortunately, by the time I had run back to the car for my phone things had changed and all that was left for me to photograph was this tail end.
Later, I called in to see a couple of elderly friends, only to be greeted by D saying that he needed help and I feared for what I might find when I rushed to his wife who was lying on the floor. I was relieved to find her in quite good spirits and quickly checked that nothing hurt. Apparently her legs had given way (she uses a walking frame to get around) and she was unable to make it to her chair. I was unable to lift her into her chair, even with her husband’s help, so I made her comfortable and sat on the floor with her, chatting and laughing, until somebody arrived to help me restore her to a more suitable seat. All ended well.
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