The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Half A Century

Dear O'H & Lovely Tea Jenny,

I AM 50!!

I spent the day exactly how I wanted to and I loved it. I wanted it to be a family day and that’s exactly what it was. I was completely spoiled with amazing presents*, we had a lovely family** lunch in The Three Birds and then spent the rest of the afternoon back at the house with tea and cake.

And when everyone left, we got into PJ’s and watched Everything Everywhere All
At Once. The Mini Princesses and I liked it but The Prince declared it “the worst film I’ve ever seen” (but sat through the whole thing)!!

I had a brilliant day. I love being at a place in my life where I don’t feel under pressure to have a party or a huge night out that I don’t want. A day that made me happy, all day.


PS The Duke made me this jar of picked eggs (I LOVE picked eggs)!

*The MP’s made 2 amazing albums of my life (although ‘apparently’ the page where Murphy joined our family got the biggest reaction!)

**with Mary Doll, Victor, Albert, My Bro, Sis-In-Law, The Nephew, The Niece, The Duke & Terry.

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