A Grand Day Out

Decided to try out the knee on an orienteering course at Clumber Park near Nottingham. Before running I took the camera for a walk into the impressive kitchen gardens with a spectacular glasshouse. The main is the display at the entrance to the glasshouse. 

Survived the run although the knee stiffened up on the journey home. Lots of fences with compulsory crossing points. Quite a lot of trip hazards too including some brambles. Glad to get round unscathed. Richard forgot his protective gloves and after catching his hand on a bramble retired. Good job I have a good first aid kit in the car. He is not having a good run of luck at the moment.

Whilst waiting for Richard to finish enjoyed meeting Stuart and Julie’s 8 month black Labrador. They had also borrowed Julies’s father’s black Labrador. Nearly brought one home with me!

As we left there were queues of traffic entering the park. It’s a lovely family and dog friendly area to enjoy. 

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