
By ishaan03


I forgot to add in the last post that yesterday my sister called crying informing me that my father has again been violent. She said I didn’t have any sympathy. I shouted at my father right after this happened through the Alexa application and went into his crying—alcoholic state when he feels guilty, anxious and alone. I sympathise with him at times but it is also cyclical. I called my sister this morning and she was happy and asked me to send her some money so she can invest in bitcoins.

My landlady and I went to Craiglockhart. It was very pretty and I liked it much better than Blackford, as it is the hill I have climbed the most times. We saw ducks, folks playing tennis, hill runners and everything in between.

We came back home and I lay my legs flat for an hour or so before I went to make my spinach and sweet potato soup. My landlady came out of nowhere in her detective mode to ask me if I watched her telly? It made me laugh since I have my own things. She didn’t seem too pleased about it, as seemingly her impromptu connection between my asking about Cotswolds and her telly showing her about it failed.

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