Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

We come in peace

Da-da da da daaaaaa …

Actually it’s Reading IKEA. Once we had the Ideal Home Exhibition sponsored by (spits on ground) The Daily Mail. Now we have a gigantic Swedish furniture store which pays a lot of people to entice us with their clever interior design. I am always impressed. 

Met an eccentric couple called George and Pam. They gave us their phone number and invited us for tea. Seriously. He is 83 and she is 79 but they both looked fit and she was particularly glamorous. He was full of stories about his twilight career in acting and I was up for doing a podcast interview with him, but then he went and spoilt it all by using the phrase "bloody foreigners" at which point we made our excuses and hightailed it, Pam scowling at him and muttering "oh George!" (probably not for the first time). 

Check out the extra - mad hatters tea party.

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