A glorious sunny morning, Indie & I had a very enjoyable walk across the heath. Back to Mum's for coffee & chat. Then a visit to Chudleigh library to print off the 2 sets of Lasting Power of Attorney forms that I completed on-line yesterday. £82 per set as apposed to approximately £500 per set through a solicitor. I just need to be sure they are signed correctly by Mum, my brother, Alison,our witness, & myself before I post them.
Back home for lunch. Laundry drying nicely out on the line.
The allotment was calling me, so off I went. Hubby drove up to the plot. Between us we carried one of the shed panels across to Julie's plot, she's going to use the timber to make a covered area for her chickens. Hubby left to go and wash the car. I weeded the bed of leeks, Autumn planted onion sets, cleaned the brassica plot, turned some ground, cleared the runner bean beds, & bundled up the canes. Still lovely sunshine, so I pruned the blackcurrant bushes. Job's done, I walked home, picked in the laundry, all completed in time to sit down with my cider to enjoy The Chase.
Thanks to skeena for hosting.
p. s Loved the Pottery Throw Down last night.
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