
By Legacy


Waking up in the morning and finding your yard full of plastic pink flamingos might startle some people, but in our area it means someone has donated to the fight against cancer and in return received the ability to choose a friend's yard as a target for the happy flock. I'm not totally sure how it works, but I believe the flamingos are placed after dark, so their arrival is a complete surprise in the morning.

For anyone whose eyesight isn't any better than mine, the sign says "You've Been Flocked in the fight against cancer".

A couple of days ago the flamingos were at a house across the street from this one so I would guess we have some neighbors who are enjoying "flamingoing" each other for a good cause. I'm not sure what determines the number of "visitors" but of course, the smaller the yard the more "festive" it appears. This yard looked like it had about 50 flamingos in it.

This has been going on around our area for many years and I never get tired ot spotting a yard full of flamingos. It makes you laugh -- you absolutely can't help yourself.

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