Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

My handsome

Another busy day flying solo! 

Early morning dog walk. Naughty Nell disappeared but fortunately not for long. Got the kids off to school then went to the yard. Did all my jobs then took Buddy in the school for half an hour, building on what we did in our lesson on Sunday but adding in canter (which was a bit messy!). Buddy worked really hard and think he looks amazing at the mo. 

Annoyed that the boys water tanks were not filled up along with the others yesterday so had to carry a load of water over. 

Did a quick hoover up before school pick up. Took Eva and Sophie to dancing. Squeezed in another dog walk whilst Eva was dancing then off to the yard to get Jack in and feed the other two. 

Just waiting for our dinner to cook. The dogs seem to think they are due another walk and another dinner because they went out earlier than normal! 

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