Still going strong

Sometime (last year, I think!), Blipper Julez (Everyday Life) blipped a last century Bero cookery book. I said when mine turned up, I'd blip mine, too. Well, here it is, dating back to the early 1960s. It was my grandma's copy and, when she died, my mother passed it on to me, as it was a duplicate. She knew how I was forever baking cakes from her copy.

My best memory was when I was baking "coffee kisses". After you'd blobbed mixture out on to baking trays and cooked them, you then sandwiched two halves together with coffee-flavoured buttercream filling. The recipe said 'makes 72' -- I ended up with 11. In fairness, I wasn't alone in sneaking half-teaspoons of raw mixture. My brother kept sticking a finger in the mix, too! It used up a boring Sunday afternoon!

I have always been fairly successful as a baker, making cakes large and small, from childhood throughout adulthood, until our move here. The kitchen is large open-plan with three doors off it, and alongside the draughty front door (whose draughts will be fixed all in good time). Every cake I've attempted since we moved here has been a resounding soggy, sunken flop. Not sure how to avoid draughts at the moment.  Anyone who's had a similar experience and solved the problem, please advise! 

This last day of January has been sunny and windy, with beautiful blue skies. Once this month's over, I find the year always whoooshes by. Hang on to your hats, blipmates!!

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