Full on day today!

Met the team for breakfast at the hotel then we walked to a customers office on Princes Street who kindly let us use their meeting room for the day. It only cost me a box of Krispy Crème Donuts.

We wrapped the meeting around 2:45 and headed back to the hotel for a quick change then I took them to the Edinburgh Dungeon tour. The actors were amazing as they recreated the horror and tribulations of historic Edinburgh. We needed a quick pint in the Angels Share after that.

I then had tickets for the Johnnie Walker Experience. I had surprised the team by arranging a viewing of the plant room as my company supplied all the pumps for MEP and Fire Protection (see extra).

It was nice of them to allow this to happen. The tour itself was amazing. It’s the second time I’ve done it and my guests found it amazing too.

Then we had dinner at Wildfire on Rise Street which was also nice. Then back to the hotel to drop off a tired H before A and myself had a nightcap at the Hebrides bar.

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