Colourful wall

A relaxing day today.  After lunch I decided to visit Bicton Gardens to have a look at the walls and fences for todays Wide Wednesday theme.  I quite enjoyed the theme as I was looking at different things to those I normally see here.  

I headed first to the church with the  'derelict' remains of a former church in the grounds where I expected stone walls to be present.  The walls were covered with ivy and rather indistinct but the a few of the gravestones had some lovely snowdrops around them.  So I stopped for a while to photograph these, see extra.  Then I headed into the area with a number of old trees with a large amount of old metal fencing around the edge, also interesting.  In the end though I chose this shot of a very long brick wall that has Magnolia trees lining a large part of it.  I just liked the colour of the walls and that these thistle like seedheads are still present slowly decaying. 

On the way back home I called into a local carwash but found that the waiting time was over an hour, so headed back into town to pick up a condolence card for my cousin whose husband passed away on Monday.

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