
By NancyDrew

Power Plates, Goooooooo! x

Have started using this contraption recently during my visits to see GYM x

It's a gimmick said man Power Plate x you stand on it and do squats and stuff and it wobbles you x first time I stood on it I thought 'that's a piece of piss'..... after 60 seconds of squats on medium frequency I was in agony!! xx Me and Julia have been researching exercises on YouTube so Monday we are all over it :) x there is some science stuff in this Guardian Article that explains it better than me xx

I also did a running race on the treadmill and ran 2.8 miles x that makes 7.8 miles this week so far x

Now my legs are tired :( All this just so I can drink beer, eat cake and so I don't look like a complete idiot if, god forbid, I ever have to run after someone making off again so that I can hit them with my stick!!? Pah!! x

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