Getting there
Another job to tick off the list.
I took the tankards off the high shelf, leaving them for Mum to clean while I walked Indie. My brother was just leaving as I returned. If ONLY he'd returned the 2 messages I sent I could have brought the paperwork down, arranged for Alison to pop over to witness our signatures on the LPA's. He did'nt, so I had'nt. I was very annoyed. He "might" be out to Mum's tomorrow. Grrrhhh! I cleaned the shelf & replaced the sparkly tankards. Then we had a coffee. I rang & left a second message with a local scaffold company not returning my calls/messages. Rang another company, who are very busy & unable to supply/erect scaffolding for approx. 4 weeks. Next week would be perfect. I stopped to inform Bruce the builder the scaffolding situation, then nipped in to speak to Alison to get her up to speed re witnessing. She's retired so fairly flexible re signing.
Indie was sick yesterday, again this morning before I arrived, so trying to fathom what might have upset her. Yesterday I opened a fresh tin of meat for her, she'd eaten the meat but not the dry complete food that Mum uses. I wondered if it was the dry food so today I offered her single pieces of dry food. She took each one from me, 3 different shapes, then dropped them on the floor. She's not normally fussy so presume the Tesco's complete food is the culprit.
Got home, Mum rang, Rog had rung her with the name of a different scaffold company. I gave them a call, very helpful chap, got an appointment tomorrow 11am. Can erect next Thursday. BINGO!!! Need the dry weather to hold to get the job done. I shall be crossing everything.
This afternoon I visited the allotment. I went to fetch the spade, it was quite gusty so decided to sort plastic plant trays that are going to the recycle centre, before they got blown all over the site. Bundled & tied the bean canes. Then lifted the remaining carrots.
Back home again just before 4pm.
Mystery knicker update - no idea whete they are
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