Dublin Shooter

By dublinshooter

Storm In A Teacup

It was all Derek's idea last night. He and Rita go for regular weekend drives and know all the best places to go. I'd brought out the new camera so Derek could have a look, and he suggested (weather permitting) that the X20 and I head for the coast north of Dublin today and stop off at the harbours at Rush, Loughshinny and Skerries. I don't think I've ever stopped at Rush before, and I'm pretty sure I've never made it as far as the harbour whenever I'd been in Skerries before, so I agreed enthusiastically to take Derek's advice.

The morning weather wasn't encouraging, but I headed out anyway after lunch. The rain stopped soon enough, and things cleared up by the time I got to Rush, and got better and better after that. Indeed, I actually ended up in Skerries sitting out in warm sunshine between 4:30 and 5:00 after a terrific couple of hours.

As is becoming the norm, I came back with rather a lot in the camera. The final choice was touch and go between this shot of the Storm In A Teacup crépe/coffee shop or one of the Skerries seals. I might end up changing.

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