Scottish Parliament

A good day in Edinburgh, mainly to visit the Parliament for FMQs. Apparently the building has just been voted the 3rdugliest in world which I find extraordinary. I like how the water and the sky almost submerge the built structure, the opposite of Westminster. 
It was an interesting session dominated by whether NS agreed with her Justice Secretary that anyone who presents as trans should be accepted at face value.  There was silence in the chamber as Douglas Ross accused the FM of lack of clarity. I thought she was as clear as you could be given the complexity and ambiguity around the issue. No wonder she fetched herself two glasses of water before she took her place.
 To amplify the democratic process three Extinction Rebellion protesters interrupted Nicola Sturgeon just before FMQs and business was suspended for about 5 minutes while officials and a couple of police officers dealt extremely diplomatically with the three young folk who obediently removed themselves with a certain amount of grace and dignity.
John Swinney was unusually tetchy, perhaps the terrible weather had got in the way of his morning run.

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