Feeling better

By Suziep71

Doesn't time fly.

This time last year dad and I went to London.

We went on the anniversary of mums death.

The reason for going was because mum and dad had booked to go. They were going to The Ritz, London eye and to see a show. Unfortunately mum died a few weeks before they were due to go. So dad and I went and did it all in her memory.

We had a lovely time. The show we saw was Billy Elliot. The Ritz was great and we stuffed ourselves silly lol.

This may sound macabre but I have a pinch of mums ashes. I picked them the day after we scattered her. Anyway they are in a little bag so I took them with us so that she did actually go to London in the end :-)

Work was busy as we were understaffed due to lots of sickness.

Good thing that happened today -

Everyone pulled together and worked like Trojans.

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