Day 034/23. Cruise Missile Bunkers and Star Wars.

A drone flight today just outside Newbury of a historic location I wanted to shoot for some time.

In June 1980 RAF Greenham Common was selected as one of two British bases for the USAF's mobile nuclear armed Cruise Missile (GLCM). The majority of GLCMs were deployed at RAF Greenham Common.
A Greenham Common Women's Peace Camp was established in protest at the deployment of cruise missiles in 1981. The protestors became known as "the Greenham women" or "peace women", and their 19-year protest drew worldwide media and public attention.
Following the ratification of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty by Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev in June 1988, the last Cruise Missiles at RAF Greenham Common were removed in March 1991.
In 1997 Greenham Common was designated as public parkland, the buildings cleared, the concrete runway removed and effectively returning it to its pre-Second World War status.
The Cruise Missile bunkers, however, still remain, but are today empty. The bunkers more recently played a major film part, they formed the Resistance base on D’Qar as seen during Star Wars: The Force Awakens 2015 film.

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