B.A.C.K. to Basics

By AmyT

Rewarding Play

We’ve not been able to get outside to exercise, so we had to resort to interactive reward playtime for Mace. He hasn’t played with this ball for months… but once I loaded a few treats in there, he played for almost an hour. I was able to vacuum and get some laundry done while he bounced and threw this ball all over the house. Occasionally he’d come find me and give me a concerned bark, alerting me that his ball was stuck somewhere out of reach or near something scary (the vacuum cord). It was fun watching him play!

Bj had a hearing exam today, and hearing aids would be considered medically necessary if he opted to go that route. The audiologist cautioned us however that similar to wearing glasses, once you start wearing them it is a commitment for the rest of your life. He’s been given a set to “try” for a few weeks. The trial period will determine the pros vs cons and if he’s ready for the commitment. I support him 100% in whatever he decides. It was troubling to see in person, and in print, how severe his hearing loss is. I can understand how debilitating it is for him.

Weather folks continue to talk about the record cold coming in tonight and through Sunday. Can’t say I’m excited…but we must endure it to be rewarded with Spring and Summer temps!

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