The Tay Whale

I took several shots from different angles but there isn't a really good angle that doesn't have too much in the background, it's outside the V&A. I tried getting pics of the ruffled water under the V&A but the light wasn't good enough to get a decent shutter speed.
There's an exhibition about plastic at the V&A which I've been meaning to go to and I knew it finished sometime this month. I checked it out, discovered Sunday is the  last day and booked to visit at 10.30am. I set out in plenty of time, so I thought, but the bus didn't appear (there was a message at the bus stop saying some were cancelled due to lack of drivers) and I decided to walk until one came rather than stand and wait. It was over a mile before one appeared so it was either the one I wanted very late or the next one. 
I was a bit late but it didn't matter and I had an interesting 90mins going round learning the history, different types and uses, the problems it's causing and potential alternatives. Not all new to me but good to have it all together.
On the way back to the bus I passed a wool shop and I discovered they sold the make of wool I wanted for a project so I went in and bought what I needed.
I had thought od going for a run but decided I needed a day off and had done a fair amount of walking so I've been knitting and crocheting.

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