Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR

Free Friday in February

At our zoo for residents of our county.  So the man said he felt like he could walk there as it is very flat.   We went after lunch and luckily being a little cool it was not crowded at all.   I took the Canon SX60 with me because I knew I wanted to get some closeups if the animals were out and about.  We saw the grizzly bear up close to the glass which was very thrilling.  He had some huge feet!    There was a baby koala but his mom had him snuggled up under her in the eucalyptus tree so we did not get to see it.   We did see a baby meerkat!   So adorable, I wanted to take it home!    I put a photo in the extra but it was moving constantly among the adults.    I was able to get a really close up photo of the rhinoceros..what a strange and weird looking animal..he must be a dinosaur relative!    They also have added an area with  five birds from Australia...I was so excited to actually see a kookaburra but no photo since the wiring at the cage was so tiny it would not let me focus on the bird itself.   All the birds were unusually pretty.  

This tiger was walking around and I was just about ready to forget about taking a photo when it lay down behind this grassy plant.  It was almost as if it knew I wanted to get a photo! 

Jerry did okay with his walking ..slow as a slug...but he said he knows it is better to use the leg.  I think the concrete walkways were harder than the dirt trail we walked the other day.   Plus we walked longer...almost two hours including some sitting time.  Tomorrow he will just do his exercises and his walks around the yard.  

I have a hike in the morning with my hiking group.  Not too excited about the walking trail we will take but it is a part of the Palmetto Trail that I have walked before.  Probably because it is mostly road walking.   I like to have my boots on dirt!!   

Have a great weekend Blippers.   Those of you in the artic circle cold, stay safe and warm.    Forget everything they said about global warming!  I would be worried about a new ice age!

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