
... of a supermarket chain.  Shot this while doing supermarket errands.

Tired today after the exertions of the past few days, so hardly worked.

The good news is... that the judge reversed one of her Resolutions in favour of the Opposition and, instead, granted one of our Motions.  The Viking flexed some muscles at the Supreme Court and some people got kind of shaken up.  I do not know how long things will last yet, and I do not know if we will 'win', but, at this point, in any case it does not look like we will lose.  You are familiar with the feeling of teetering at the brink of something and then being pulled back to a safer spot?  That is what this is about right now.  I don't believe that a win in my case would be in one go.  Rather, it will come in stages and phases.  Maybe this is Phase 1?  The Viking and I are keeping both feet on the ground.  The celebration will not be when I 'win' but when it is over.  It would be grand if those two amounted to the same thing.  No guarantees.

Some colouring, some gaming, some housekeeping.  I'll correct my resits in the weekend, for sure.

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