Bignonia or Campsis
The vine which has this flower has struggled at the corner of the pergola in the backyard of the beach house. If it has flowered previously, we have not seen it. This year the plant is strong and growing well; and therefore has produced a number of flowers. Which present in keeping with its common name of Trumpet Flower.
We have had to come north to the house at Fidelis, because the insurers have finally got the tradesmen and women organised to repair the damage from water ingress which occurred almost a year ago. Partly the delay was due to the frequency of rainy days since June last year. The leak in the roof had to be certified as resolved, before the insurer would undertake the repairs to the ceiling and the floor in the main room of the house. And the roofers couldn't do it in the rain.
When the insurers finally agreed to undertake the repairs, there was a delay due to everyone being busy as it approached the end of the year. We are fortunate that the 'rain rivers' which wreaked so much havoc over Auckland and the whole of northern North Island, has not waylaid the planned work; because much more basic work is what is needed right now by so many people.
We passed through parts of west Auckland (from daughter C's) on our way north after visiting her, (safely above the major floods due to the creek below her property). As driver I doubt I saw all, but the number of piles of water damaged household effects placed on the road verge that I did see, was sobering. Many of these people will be underinsured, or not insured at all.
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