But, then again . . . . .

By TrikinDave

Sycamore Blossom.

The green sycamore blossom against a background of green leaves is fairly inconspicuous, so much so that, until I started keeping bees some thirty years ago, I was largely unaware of its existence. Having produced a reasonable straight picture of this flower tail I started to play with the image. I'd read the books on the magical things that could be done by combining layers and been unimpressed until I noticed the "difference" option. Similarly with filters, until I found "glowing edges". I'd already found that layers and filters are useful, but there are other ways of doing most of these useful things.

Anyway, back to the plot. I had a phone call today from TOL's selected care home saying that there was a flat free if she still wanted it; we were not expecting this for a few months or more. We went up half an hour later for a chat and to have another look at the place. Another hour and we had signed the paperwork and had immediate access. TOL took it all in her stride, insisting that it was what she wanted while it was me that was concerned that she needed time to get used to the idea. Neither of us have eaten for the last twelve hours.

Of course, she's worried about it but wouldn't admit it until the night-time carer, who had been warned, broached the subject. Did TOL remember carer "A"? Of course she did. "A" works there and she loves it. Does TOL remember Mrs So-and-so who lived around the corner? No? No matter, she's a resident there and she loves it.

So Sis is coming tomorrow and we'll all go and inspect the flat - again, work out what things should be taken and where they'll fit and all that sort of stuff.
It won't be as bad as TOL expects, in fact it could be an awful lot better living there than staying at home.

Edit Look here for the original picture.

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