Breakfast for over 100 basketball Players:-)

This is the atrium of the Kelowna Secondary School where we fed over 100 young men and their coaches.  I am a member of the 15+ volunteers who prepared scrambled eggs, ham, hash browns, fruit and muffins...

The guest speaker to the left of the picture is legendary Ken Olynyk, father of current Utah Jazz NBA player, Kelly Olynyk. He had the full attention of the young men along with the coaches. Well received.

Extra 1:  Nash taking his free throws in last night's game.  The boys were ahead at the half time...tied at 3/4..but couldn't hang on for the win against the #1 team in BC.  Nash gave it his all and was totally exhausted .

Extra 2:  boys who are part of the Crazy Owls fans...they didn't mind at all posing for this picture...haha

Game tonight playing for 3/4th.

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