AW & Son

Trimming the willow tree.  Nah, that sounds too tame.  Hacking down some willow tree branches sounds more like it.  And they did a good job of it, too.

Actually, Son came by to pick up some used appliances belonging to the next-door neighbour.  It is a perfectly decent way to earn some extra pocket money.  He's very resourceful.

As for us, we spent the whole day at home due to the grey weather.  It wasn't as cold as the previous week, but still cold.  

I enjoyed gaming and colouring.  I did not particularly enjoy correcting some of the re-sat essays.  What I found to be a comfort, though, was the fact that the failing marks I gave for the first opportunity were correct.  Compared the 'before' and 'after' marks, and fortunately, some improved, but still not spectacularly enough to merit anything much higher than what I gave them this time, nor enough to differ greatly from what they got before.  Tedious work which will be resumed tomorrow.  I'll burn the weekend oil now because there's a deadline, but also because I want to enjoy the rest of the coming week, when there will be classes (naturally!) but also good, sunny weather.  They say.

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