Behringer Model D

Behringer is a company that makes, amongst other things, copies - very good copies - of classic analogue synths. This is their 'Model D', which is a copy of the original Mini-Moog.

In an effort to not work entirely in the digital realm, I'm using this synthesiser on one of the songs, I'm working on, which is called 'Motorik'. This has provided me with an opportunity to learn a bit about the actual use of midi and also getting 'real' sound back into the music software.

One of the advantages of 'soft synths', i.e. the digital versions of the instruments, is that you can easily save the settings. That's not the case with the real world versions, and I actually took this photo just in case any of the knobs get moved when I take the Model D down to the studio in Salford tomorrow.

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