Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin!

I've been playing with my (rental) Big-Daddy lens again... Putting it through the paces one might say. ;)

Check out those chin "hairs".

This is another handheld shot, but I did try the monopod again tonight. It went much better than yesterday. I got several images of pileated birds as they played and chased each other around the area. My favorite of that series is this female in the evening sun.

So far I am liking this lens. It is heavy and it seems to need exposure compensation in any sunlight. (I'm finding the need to underexpose lots of images to avoid blown-out whites were I normally wouldn't need to.) But all and all it is amazingly fun to zoom in where I've never been before! ;)

My best wishes for a speedy recovery to AnnieBScotland. You are in my thoughts.

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