
I wore a tie today. I enjoyed having a range of ties to provide variety during my working week. Sadly, now I have retired, the occasions to do so are less frequent and often recently it is at events such as funerals. Even the black tie is less used and more and more there are requests to wear bright colours to celebrate a life rather than mourn their passing.

I do store then in much better order but I took them out and jumbled them up a bit more as it reflected on what I’d heard at the service this morning.

We were marking the 30th anniversary of two churches coming together in a union. The histories of the churches go back up 4 lines, in one case to 1792. So it is a complex history which will become more intricate if, as planned, we unite with 2 other congregations next year.

Seeing them together again I feel I want more occasions to wear ties!

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