Windmill 'De Lelie', Koudekerke

'Lelie'= 'ley-ly' = 'lily'.  A delicate name for this windmill!

After a late start to the morning (it is Sunday, after all), AW and Beau left for a Sunday cross-club bridge tournament.  While I did my best to relax after they left, I was quite aware of the work waiting to be done.  To my surprise, AW was back a lot earlier than normal, and I immediately took advantage of the opportunity to go hunting.  I barely made it but the light was still reasonably acceptable.  One can tell that the days are lengthening once again.

The Lily is fairly new -- 1872.  Koudekerke is a very quiet village and on Sundays it is even quieter than usual.  At least, that is what I observed today.  I was very thankful that we finally had fair weather as it had been grey most of the time.  I also realize how much more challenging it has become to go hunting, but maybe because I'm busier these days and almost all of the nearest mills have already been shot.  That said, a sunny day is always welcome, even if I have to go to work.

Tonight I cooked dinner, and then returned to correcting essays.  At one point, I noticed that Gina was busy with it, too.  She stopped at about 22.00, and I went on until I was completely finished, which was at 02.30.  There were two students left and they were not mine.  I'm not sure they were hers either.  Perhaps resitters from last schoolyear?  

Fairer weather coming up, and a couple of free moments at school.  As I've already worked quite a bit of overtime, I think I'll manage to get away for a day and a half, my schedule notwithstanding.

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