Digital Painting
Wildlife camera...nighttime...
Cat Merlin, Fox, & Ghost Cat
GhostCat1 is a bit of a bully.
He is first, but doesn't take the cat biscuits on the swing and jumps back down.
Cat Merlin is on the swing the entire video, but is tucked away by the wind chimes, the opposite end to the cat biscuits on the swing.
Foxy Loxy visits.
Then at the end of the short video, Merlin has moved to a visible middle position on the swing. To defend the cat biscuits?
But GhostCat1 jumps up at the swing and eats the cat biscuits.
I feel that Merlin was disappointed his strategy of sitting right next to the cat biscuits didn't work, because GhostCat1 ignored him.
Merlin is going to have to rethink his strategy if he wants to defend the cat biscuits on the swing...because GhostCat1 ignored him, despite Merlin being barely a handswidth distance from GhostCat1.
Creative is...well, last night there was a magnificent red sunset over the entire sky. I reached for my iPad to take a photo. Aimed, and the red sunset had vanished in an instant...
So, this is a painting in Procreate of that sunset!!!
And by the way my baked potatoes cooked in the cinders in my garden incinerator, after burning my security rubbish because my shredder has broken yet again, were delicious...
Time for a cuppa.
Have your best day.
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