
Extra canal graffiti reflections

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 He wondered vaguely where the rest of the band was but had learned not to worry, the gig would happen at some point, it always did and since they traded in spontaneity, chaos and anarchy it would have been a bit odd to be too planned, tidy and organised beforehand.  
He looked at the set list with each “performance” pencilled next to the appropriate song.
Pearl- Coneface
Telescopic- Axolotl generation
Looking up- My friends are dead
Go art- Wire
Is yours the one- Blind
Dark sudden something- Heading for the Hunnebeded
Residivistish- Madonna
Heat Struck dense- Holy crutch
The band had a policy of playing 8 songs only, hard and fast and only encores if they were called for. They all agreed that they had seen too many bands outstaying their welcome thinking that they had some divine right to bore people to death for 90 minutes. This caused some issues in Europe where an hour minimum was required but they got round it with two sets. Quality over quantity. They also liked to play new material and not too rehearsed, keeping fresh was more important than keeping time.  
Suddenly the door smashed open and the band poured in hairy, lairey and seemingly with a giant in tow.
Jer guitarist did a mock bow and declared
“Meet Walter, our new pal, man mountain, top geezer, scourge of grab machines and deliverer of manna from polystyrene”
None of this of course made sense but that was not unusual, the band generally passed the time on a diet of inane surrealist banter, weak humour and obscenity occasionally interspersed with periods of intense seriousness when for instance some form of disaster involving the van, directions or gear occurred (usually the van). The van belonged to Matt from Bedford. No one knew his second name. No one really liked him but he did have a van which was free providing the band accepted his dubious company. Though affable he was to put too fine point on it a git. Not averse to petty theft, dangerous driving, dull right wing opinions and cringe inducing patter with women as well as the odd crumby racist abuse flung out of the car window. He was in all ways a pain and an embarrassment but... he did have a van.

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