Town Bus

Today's the day ....................... to hold tight, please

Will was off with the car today, but I had a parcel to post - so I thought I would just walk into town.

It's about a mile and a half and a very pleasant walk even though the wind was a bit chilly.  I finished what I had to do and was just about to walk home again, when I saw the bus.  I don't think I've ever noticed it before but it wasn't the usual one that goes to Castle Douglas and beyond.  This one just said 'Town Bus' - and when I had a chat with the driver, he said it just had a meandering route through the town, bringing people in to the centre and back out again.

So I hopped on and went with the flow.  I saw bits of Kirkcudbright that I'd never seen before.  It was all very friendly with most people on the bus knowing each other and the driver stopping at a few unscheduled places, where his passengers lived?!  It didn't quite go out to where we live, but it shortened my journey considerably.

It was a life-affirming trip - and what's more - completely free ................

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