Well not from ME. I am always happy to go along with whatever The Boss has in mind except perhaps delayed meals. I really struggle with that and I did tonight when The Boss was cooking a Quiche Lorraine and The Bossess was returning by car from Queenstown and takin far too long 'Cos she stopped to take a phone call from London rather than call them back. (funny that) I thought it might have been from THE BIG BOSSESS who had been following Blip and wanted to replace the Corgis with a proper dog (Wheaten) but alas no. Just business stuff. Sigh.
Hey.. Heaps and heaps of thank you barks for your response to "Looking West and Cats" yesterday. TML won the virtual Chocolate Fish award for keeping her passwords in a book with cats on the cover. The Boss suggested that it would be really cool if she kept it in the fridge. I do wonder about the guy sometimes. Oh I also see that Mario thinks The Boss is a Cheeky Monkey too. I really like that Café as they are kind to dogs when we are tied up in the garden.
Lightning does strike twice and those of you who are really observant may grasp the significance of that but I am not permitted to explain at this time. Sorry.
These trees really looked like they were having a serious discussion as we walked towards them this afternoon. I thought they were better leafed alone.
A wet weekend approaches. Hopefully not for everyone.
The dog is not in the detail.
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