Pictorial blethers

By blethers


It may have been regarded as chilly weather on Madeira by the locals, but tonight as we arrived back in rainy Dunoon I felt that everything is relative and though we remembered to put the heating on at home before we left the hotel it’s not really what you’d call cosy.

Everything went smoothly from the moment a chap turned up to take our cases up to the taxi until we found out our flight was going to be delayed by 40 minutes, continuing with some ten or so passengers being held up in security- you can have all the luxury of hotel and surroundings until you find yourself in the crowds of a slightly inadequate airport and squashed on the hard upright of your budget airline and you realise for the umpteenth time that there is no glamour unless you spend a fortune…

But we’re home, I saw the sunset above the curve of the world, our taxi sailed up and whizzed us home. The house is a tip, there’s stuff everywhere, and I’m off to bed.

Blipping a last lovely morning looking from the patio of the breakfast room towards our room, one of the garden rooms opening straight onto the grass.

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