
By skaterg1rl

it's all communal jollity in the new office. biscuits and sweeties appear as if by magic.

although with one kitchen space shared between around 100 of us, the usual taboos about sharing milk, opening packets and being the first to take a lollipop seem heightened.

at home we started with a shouting match that left 3 out of 4 of us in tears. 2 went out to school and work. 2 took a bit longer to recover composure. the day felt ineffectual and distracted.

i have lost my work mojo at the moment.

highlight of the day - hearing mr blip himself on the radio (see blipblog), watching the seagulls surf the currents out of the office window, having a cheery time with the kids and eating a very, very fine salad containing enough anchovies to convince me that i absolutely must go downstairs and drink the last cold beer in the fridge.

i am nearly at my blip 6 month birthday. blimey.

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