
By Veronica

Oven baked

Yes, this house has a functioning oven, unlike the last one. So I've revived my starter, started a loaf yesterday, and today I put it to the test. I was pleasantly surprised by the result. It's much better than my oven at home, probably because the door closes properly, instead of sagging open and having to be wedged with a pizza peel. It is rather brown on top -- later I realised on googling the oven manual that I had interpreted the symbols incorrectly and cooked it on "grill plus fan". Haven't cut it yet, but it looks promising.

I let Mystère out when I got up and off he went for more adventures. It promptly started raining. He was sopping wet and very peeved when he came back an hour later -- he hates getting wet and doesn't go out if it's raining, but obviously curiosity got the better of him on this occasion. Later he went out again and had a staring match with the neighbours' cute puppy Luna. Well, a staring match on his part -- Luna was staring with cocked head, pricked ears and an "I just want to be friends!" look. Luckily she's not a barker, but he is still suspicious of her. It's continued to be grey and drizzly all day, hence indoor activities.

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